Thursday, November 17, 2005


Virginia is for Lovers. Las Vegas is for STRIPPERS!!!

And guess where I saw one today?? At the f-ing grocery store. It was magical. She even had her kid with her. Strippers in Vegas are, in a lot of ways, parallel to the celeb caste system in L.A. Your pony-walking A Listers make some bank and are at times, gorgy gorgeous (in a midwestern glamour shot kind of way). They screw the local politicians and drive hummer-financed Hummers. Yellow ones. Your B-listers (hee hee b-listers. Get it? Blisters. Sigh.) are much more ragged and are approaching their mid 30s. They probably date a bouncer and drive an Eclipse convertible. Now, this gem was perhaps, a D-lister. D, peeps. I wanted to hug her kid and tell him that mommies don't usually wear red pleather boots to Albertsons, and that maybe mommy was just tired. Or on meth. Anyway, I took a picture with my camera phone and it didn't come out. Life is unfair, yet it did begin a new game called "Worst/Best Community Stripper Sighting". Stay tuned.


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