Sunday, July 16, 2006

An Open Letter....

I've been finding myself composing open letters in my brain to people and/or situations I come across on a daily basis ever since I found this website that actually publishes them. I think I may need to start my own personal open letter archive because being civil with my outbursts is probably safer here in Las Vegas than my current tactic of flipping the bird. So, on that note...
An Open Letter to People in Las Vegas Grocery Store Parking Lots

Dear Shoppers,

I know it's hot. It is. It's fucking boiling hot. But please, when you get into your car, proceed straight to "R". Do not wait for your car to cool down before you back up. It's not going to happen in the next 20 minutes.

Choose one side of the parking aisle to walk on. If there are four of you going into the store, you don't have to walk side by side. You can actually pair up, and walk behind the cars that are already parked.

Take five fucking seconds to put your cart in the cart corral. It's RIGHT THERE. That way, the poor cart wrangler can be in and out in a second without dying of heat stroke and also, others can park their cars in the spaces currently OCCUPIED BY YOUR CART without having to park, get out, move your cart for you, get back in car, and drive into the space.

Lastly, please don't spit so much. I have walked behind at least 60% of you who feel it necessary to hawk enormous wads onto the street every time you leave a store. It's nasty, and this is flip-flop country. Ick.

For the rest of you who observe parking lot etiquette, I love you. I want to hug you in the freezer aisle, for you are clearly not from here.



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