Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Allz you need is a J.O.B.

I got laid off at my old job, after a nationwide 5% reduction in staff. $25 million bucks in salary, just like that. Fuckers. Anyway, ONWARD AND UPWARD! Got a better job at a bigger company! I started this week and am still TOTALLY trying to assess the vibe.
I discussed it with my friend tonight through instant messanger:

ME: new job: VERY quiet in the sales pit.

HIM: That's weird shit, right? That's how I felt at AOL

i came from one where in the first 30 min. of the day, there was a LEAST one good "fuck you", awesome bagels, or some sort of theme music day, such as Hip Hop Friday.
sounds lame, WAS AWESOME
it's all.........quiet now.

I totally understand

it's making me want to flip a cubicle and start a drum circle.

Or at least just shout something rude at the top of your lungs

Sometimes, I wish I had Tourette's.

It'd a least be a great ice breaker

Remind me to tell you about my freshman year biology class at Tech. FULL blown Tourette's guy sat right behind me and I could NOT stop laughing all semester. It was a problem.
ok, i'm out. must go learn the code of my new holy savior, ** Radio, and pledge my loyalty to their creed so I can get my goddamn benefits. Later!

God bless


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