Wednesday, December 14, 2005

PMS. You slay me.

Signs that I am completely PMS'd out of my face:
1. Celine Dion (whom I like to refer to as "The Devil"), made me cry on Oprah.
2. I consumed half a loaf of banana nut bread at work.
3. Shot the bird to two people driving.
4. Got home, realized that I had left all my lights on, and seriously almost teared up.
5. Listened to John Denver.


Blogger K said...

My sure fire sign is usually the complete and total intolerance of peoples 'chit chat' at work...I just want to yell "Say somthing of substance for Christ's Sake! I feel fine, ok! Yes, my lunch is different than usual...who gives a shit!? Ugh, please stop talking to me"

Yes, I am pleasant

4:25 AM, December 15, 2005  

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