You know, the thing with the stuff.

Have you ever worked with an old person? Now, don't get me wrong. Old people are nice. I love my Nana; she rules supreme. I love old people when they're telling me stories about the Depression, or the Jitterbug or making biscuits and stew and shit. But I can't stand working with them.
Case in point. I work with this one woman who refuses to learn the computer. Keep in mind, her job performance relies heavily on computer usage, but no. Someone else will do it. (by they way, she always reminds me she doesn't "need"her job, she just likes to keep busy. So take a fucking ceramics class already, or paint some birds!) But, no. She just "doesn't get it" so she just "doesn't do it". Yeah, no shit.
Also, she will randomly pop her head in and say things like:
Did you find the sheets?
What sheets?
(stares at me blankly)
You know the thing with the stuff that what's his name brought down.
(I now stare blankly)
Um, I'm not sure which ones you're talking about.
(gives me evil glare)
The sheets with the things that are supposed to be for tomorrow's thingee from the other stuff.
No, haven't seen them."
(stomps away to make coffee, her one redeeming factor).
Also, she has no concept of what is current in music, and we work in radio. She listens to the jazz station (not one of ours) all day and has fallen in love with a new Michael McDonald song. Because she is delusional and thinks that she is like, totally "down" with not only music, but everyone in Vegas, she calls the Program Director for our hard rock station and says things like, "Oooooh, child. I luvvvv this new Michael McDonald song. Can I run up there and get the CD?....Oh, we don't have it?....that's strange., He's such a huge star, we really should."
Then she hangs up and calls him useless.

Perhaps my recent tirades have stemmed from the fact that my extended family has been staying with me for THREE WEEKS while they settle on their house, but who knows. I will search for the happy me soon, but for now, I complain. Sorry.